About Us
Aim Capital Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Indore-based wealth management company offering a plethora of financial services. Delivering insightful guidance tailored to your specific needs, Aim Capital focuses on empowering people to achieve their financial aspirations. This eventful journey is based upon fostering countless relationships for life! As an AMFI registered mutual fund distributor, we have a diverse clientele that constitutes domestic, institutional, corporate, and NRI clients. More than 2500+ satisfied clients spread across the globe. Management systems defined and followed as per world class standards. A unique setup which is truly a one stop solutions to all the financial needs of the clients. Client education initiatives at the core of the company policy.

About Our Mutual Fund Portfolio Management Approach
As central India’s prominent Mutual Fund distributor offering a wide range of Mutual Fund products & services like SIP, ELSS, SIP with Insurance, Gold Accumulation Plan, Smart Combos and Asset Allocation Combos all under one place. Our experts ensure that you cover all the bases to exploit the true potential of mutual funds investment.
Our Philosophy
The Financial Planning process involves gathering relevant financial information, setting life goals, examining your current financial status and coming up with a plan for how you can meet your goals given your current situation and future plans. Once the Financial Plan has been approved, we will help you implement the plan in a tax efficient manner. We will review the progress of the Financial Plan annually or whenever there is any change in your life circumstances.

Our Vision
Our Mission