
A health insurance is a tool that protects households from high medical expenses that may arise due to illness. A health Insurance covers the expenses related to hospitalization, doctor consultation fees, surgery, medicines, body tests etc.

What Affects Your Life Insurance Premimus?

Health of a person is always uncertain and a big or serious illness may occur any time. The cost of treatment of several illness arises untimely can cause extreme financial burden on a person or family. The cost of treatment rising continuously. Only one disease can make you run out of money which you must be saving for your other goals like child education, child marriage, dream home or even your retirement plans. It is always suggested to get your health insurance policy at early age because with the rise in age your premium for insurance also increases.

    Benefits of Health insurance:-

  • A Health Insurance covers the hospitalization as well as pre-hospitalization & post-hospitalization expenses.
  • It covers ambulance expenses.
  • It provides cover against mental diseases.
  • If you don’t claim any medical expense, this insurance also gives you no claim bonus which is added to your next year sum insured.
  • A Health insurance also gives tax benefits up to Rs. 1 lakh under section 80D of income tax act.
  • If you want to buy your best suitable health Insurance now Aim Capital Financial Pvt Ltd helps you to choose perfect one. Register your query now.